The Remedy Journal


This journal is intended to give you a private, confidential space to record your thoughts. It is a safe area for you to share your true feelings with yourself at the moment you feel compelled to.

90-day journal to record your private thoughts.

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Improve your mood

Each tab represents a different aspect of your journey from mind release, understanding triggers, discovering gratitude, conflict to resolution, and therapy.

Continue this process, long after the pages are full. Keep journaling and recording your discoveries. There are many ahead of you, and they are absolutely worth storing safely! There are breakthroughs in your future that you might not even be able to imagine right now. Keep moving forward - it’s the only direction you need to know about from here.




“This is deep, folks. When’s the last time your journal interviewed you and helped you identify a 50-year old embedded trauma?
I love this journal!”


Serenity Affirmation Cards

At Intrinsme, we believe just a few minutes a day to say an affirmation aloud can boost your energy and confidence, reduce stress and anxiety, and help lessen negative thoughts. Try the Serenity Affirmation cards and create a reality that is full of inner self-healing today!

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